Prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland (the prostate gland), the organ which produces on the liquid a secret part of the semen. Condition, sometimes causes a sharp pain, and problems with the power. For the treatment of a prostatitis it is recommended to start immediately after the diagnosis.
The symptoms of
Prostatitis usually affects men from 25 to 50. It is a pathology that is very common. She is suffering from a third to a half of all the men in the world. The problems of many of the symptoms.

- the man experiences discomfort, or pain when urinating;
- the urine is slow, it's a small chain, the person responsible for evicting;
- in the evening, and at other times of the day, many times, it is the desire to celebrate need. Don't leave the sense that not all of the urine out of the bladder;
- the urine to go cloudy, with a mixture of blood.
- bugging the pain in the lower part of the abdomen, lower back, groin, perineum (between the scrotum and the anus);
- it also does not give rest to the pain and the feelings of discomfort in the area of the testicles and penis;
- premature ejaculation occurs along with the pain.
Many a times, symptoms of prostatitis, they are similar to those of the common cold (with a little temperature, heat, etc.). They are characterized by a variety of pathologies (on that below).
Causes of
Prostatitis most frequently occurs in men that are previously subject to this condition. The problem is it generates:
- infection of the urinary bladder, and urethra;
- HIV and other diseases that a person is infected for the sex.
- injury to the pelvic area - a fall from a bicycle, of a horse;
It calls on the prostate, in men of a catheter into the urethra for the exit of urine from the bladder.
The pathology of the times it appears after a biopsy of the prostate gland, when the examination is to be taken, a sample of your fabric. After this procedure, all of the symptoms of prostatitis, men like this are rare.
Because of the prostatitis, you can:
- if it becomes inflamed appendix of the testis (epididymitis);
- to drastically reduce the contents of the sperm to later infertility;
- get to the abscess (a cavity containing pus).

A number of studies of the scientists did not discover a direct communication between prostatitis and prostate cancer.
Types of prostatitis
You have prostatitis in 5 basic types: chronic and acute non-bacterial, acute and chronic bacterial, often asymptomatic.
- Chronic, non-bacterial (it's a syndrome of chronic pain in the pelvic region). The most common (more than 90% of the patients, the sick, and they are the ones). The symptoms of prostatitis are highly volatile, they come and go. The pathogens in the body and it is not detected. The diagnosis is made in less than 3 months old, and the man is suffering from aches and pains in the region of the pelvis, the unpleasant feelings during urination, and other symptoms that are described above. The exact cause for the development of the disease is unknown, but it is likely to cause:
- neurological problems (neuropathy);
- the irritation of the prostate gland, which in turn leads to a poor flow of urine from the urinary bladder;
- problems with the muscles of the pelvic floor (dyssynergia);
- they are such an atypical, as yet unknown to the science of viruses and bacteria.
- The sharp non-bacterial. It is accompanied by a chronicle of the armbar's syndrome in the pelvic area, constant problems with urination.
- Acute infectious. The most severe form of the disease. It occurs with a low frequency. Generated:
- e. coli, staph, and other bacteria and viruses
- sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea);
- by the fungus Candida.
- The infectious to a chronic. The disease may not be felt for some years to come. The symptoms are similar to acute bacterial type, but they will manifest themselves is not so strong.
- Symptoms. It is caught by accident. The symptoms are not present. The ultrasound showed no signs of inflammation, and the analysis of the blood, an increase in the content of prostatospecific antigen.

The symptoms are growing quickly. Discomfort in the pelvic area and joins the sensibility of the organs in the body, fever, nausea and a burning pain when urinating. How is acute bacterial prostatitis it can result in serious, life-threatening complications - abscesses, inability to urinate, low blood pressure.
The diagnosis of
The diagnosis is made by:
- a digital rectal exam;
- the analysis of the urine. It is necessary, in order to determine if there are any, in the prostate gland, an infection;
- the analysis of the blood. It is found that the level of prostatospecific antigen. For the test to detect signs of inflammation;
- Ultrasound imaging of the organs of the urinary system. It is assigned to, when the above analysis is to make the diagnosis alone is not sufficient. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland, it is preferable to do it through the anus (transrectally) to.
Also, at times, the physician will review: the secret of the prostate gland. In order to get it, it's done with the massage of the breast.
It can also be the analysis of the different venerologic of the infection, which is the root cause of the inflammation of the prostate gland.
A professional to diagnose and will prescribe medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men.
If your prostatitis bacterial, the doctor will assign:
- In the course of antibiotics. Its shape depends on the known bacteria in the system. Take your medicine, you'll have a month and a half. If the symptoms are severe, antibiotics are in dire need of the infusion pump.
- An alpha-blocker. The tool is to relax the muscles of the bladder, where it connects with the prostate gland. Clean up is the pain during urination.
- Pain relievers - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-in tool.

You may not choose to prescribe medications independently of each other. Only your doctor determine how to treat the prostatitis.
So don't let prostatitis:
- will accept a hot bath, as well as a bath tub;
- we apply it to the lower part of the abdomen or lower back warmer-a pillow;
- stop consuming alcohol, caffeine and foods that increase the acidity (severe marine);
- we eat a lot of liquid (salty). So, we're going to clean up the genitourinary system, of the treatment, the bacteria does not have time to get to the race
- we're going to try for a long time not to ride your bike, it's time for to sit;
- don't forget about the hygiene of the penis, the groin;
- use of birth control;
- we practice the sports. Simple cardio exercises will be enough, we started on a run, a swim in the pool, the exercise is easy.
The prevention of prostatitis should be a part of the lifestyle. Simple ways to keep your body.